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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Formal informality

Americans are said to be direct and informal. They address people by their first names, say "Hi!" to everybody, like improvisations, rarely call people by their titles, and dress casual clothes for most occasions including at work, especially in the West Coast. Informality is not considered a lack of respect towards the other party, rather it is consider a sign of sincerity. Moreover, informality is related to the true belief in the egalitarianism of the American society: we are all equals before God and the Law, therefore there is no need of formalities and barriers.
However, there is a certain note of "formality" in this informality. If one looks at the eyes of a casual person for 1 second, he or she will fill the need to say greetings. If one wears a jacket --not to say a tie or suit--, he or she would be pushed first at the door, just in case he or she is somebody important. Hence, if one wears a suit and looks in the eyes, all formalities awake and are due again.

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